Przemyslaw Konefal, Selling of Foma materials
Kodak films shop
ul.Zagórna 5, tel. 0-22 6285322
8mm films shop (also present at Sunday Fotgraphic Market in Stodoła Club in Warsaw)
ul.Sikorskiego 9/17,
tel. 022 719-12-59.
Hop - wholesale of Foma film materials
ul. Fabryczna 1a,
tel./fax +48 015 823-08-49
flagship store
ul. Jana Krušinky 1604,
501-04 Hradec Králové,
tel.: 495 733 111
Shop with super 8mm films of own brand.
Selling of 8mm films
Hasenheide 9, D-10967
Selling of 2x8, DS8, Super8 i 16 mm
Wittelsbacher Str. 25, 50321
Selling of 2x8, DS8, Super8 i 16 mm,
rolls, bulbs, and empty super8 cassettes
Buchwiese 3, 65510
al. Niepodległości 158, 02-554 W-wa
22 849 81 72
22 646 45 27