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Digital copies of cassettes to DVD disks

The adventure with DVD disks burning was at the term of 1996 and 1997 r. As the first company in Poland, we have brought to the offer transferring of the cassettes with the Pioneer S-201 DVD-R recorder.
The 3.75GB disk (for authoring) was mainly designed for acceptance of its substantive content before before sending to press. Today the cost of this service is a promile of former price.

The price of copying the VHS cassette is 39.00 PLN for one casette (given cost gross for whole service including professional DVD disk).

  • The disks we are using for copying your materials we are fetching directly from japanese factory to be assured you won't be given with bogus good which will be useless after a year.
  • You are given the disk branded with our original company printing at the surface, tough, big DVD case, printed booklet with a place to write a title of transferred film.
  • Recorded material includes quick chapter search, which are marked every 10 minutes and an icon for each title in the menu.
  • We are using external Time Base Correction.
  • We are using the Pro series VCRs.
  • We provide the on-line order execution, without going out of home. Our courier receives your materials and brings to our studio.
  • In the offhand mode you can wait in our VIP salon, where you can laisurely wait for the order to be done.
  • The maximum recording time on each DVD disk, without losing the quality of image, is 120 minutes.
  • We summarize the whole time for all cassettes - the best offer.
  • If we are to divide to separate disks below 60 minutes, each disk is counted as an hour - 10.00 PLN
  • We offer the lovest price in Warsaw.


You can send the material to us via the UPS courier. We will send The UPS employee to you to fetch the package to us. Fill in the UPS shipment form.


If you are in Warsaw, we can send our own courier to fetch the materials to trasfer. Fill in our courier shipment form.

We are transfering to DVD disk also from:
S-VHS,  S-VHS-C,  D-VHS (digital VHS),  VIDEO 8,  Hi8,  Digital 8,  mini DV,  Micro MV,  mini HDV 1080i,   HDV 1080i (big format),  DVCPRO,  U-Matic low i high,  DV,  mini DVCAM,  DVCAM,  Beta  BETAMAX   Betacord,  Betacam SP,  M2 (MII),  Video 2000,  Laser Disc LD,  MTV20,  MTV50,  MPEG IMX,  BETACAM DIGITAL,  BETACAM SX,  XDCAM SD,  XDCAM HD,  HDCAM,  HDCAM SR,   FORMAT B i C


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